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The following online references to John Curwen and the Tonic Sol-fa movement may be accessed by clicking on the following icons or links: “A System ahead of its time” by Robin Stevens (2008) from Music in Action, 5 (5), 8-11. The Curwen Method website — Wikipedia article on John Curwen — Wikipedia article on Sarah Ann Glover — Dictionary of National Biography article by William Barclay Squire (Wikisource) —,_John_(DNB00) The Story of Tonic Sol-fa by J. Spencer Curwen (London: J. Curwen & Sons, 1891). In addition, there are several books and book chapters that document the life and work of John Curwen and the development and propagation of the Tonic Sol-fa method: “The Synthesis of Indigeous and Continental Methods: John Curwen” (Chapter 10) in Bernarr Raibow, The Land without Music: Musical Education in England 1800-1860 and its continental antecedents. (London: Novello and Company Limited, 1967. Bernarr Rainbow, John Curwen: A Short Critical Biodgraphy. (Sevenoaks, Kent: Novello and Company Limited, 1980). Charles Edward McGuire, Music and Philanthropy: The Tonic Sol-fa Movement. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
John Curwen - Developer of the Tonic Sol-fa Method The Curwen Bicentenary 1816 - 2016 References