© Robin S Stevens 2017
Some lesser-known Australian Musicians and Music Educators
- Their Life Histories and Documentation of their Work
The purpose of this website and its constituent webpages is to provide an internet resource that celebrates the lives and work
of Australian musicians and music educators whose achivements have often gone largely unrecognised.
The lives and work of many such people may not qualify as being well known and therefore nationally prominent.
Nevertheless, many of these people have contributed to the nation in their particular spheres of influence and to a greater or
lesser extent have left a legacy of new knowledge, artistic achievement and/or exemplary practice as musicians - composers
and performers - and as music educators. Accordingly they may be considered as significant although little known
This website attempts to document and celebrate the lives and work of these musicians and music educators. Aside from a
biographical summary of their lives, the respective webpages for these individuals will include (where possible) downloadble
PDF copies of relevant research reports, articles, books, compositions, etc. or links to these where available at other
websites and (where available) audio files of interviews or performances of compositions.
It is planned to include the following people in this website whose webpages can be accessed by clicking on their names or
Dr Samuel McBurney (1847-1909) - Music Educator, Composer and
Tonic Sol-fa Advocate
Arthur Loam (1896-1976) - Composer and Piano Teacher
John Ingram (1915-1995) - Musician, Composer, Music Educator and
Music Publisher
David Wade (1942-2012) - Choral Conductor, School Music Teacher
and Kodály Practitioner